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Prologue to a New Beginning

Prologue to a New Beginning

Not letting how you start an idea or business stop you from achieving your ultimate goals. And I can say that my goals and vision have changed. I’ve had an incredible time over the past year. 27 exceptional episodes and hundreds of hours of research and production that went into them.

I started the podcast for selfish reasons and I’m going to now change the podcast for selfish reasons. I created the podcast because I wanted to listen to the podcast. No one was doing a central banking podcast - I couldn’t believe, actually I still can’t believe it and if anyone takes off and begins a great central banking podcast please send it my way.

Now I’m going to share with you a brief summary of the two focuses of The Bankster Podcast going forward. They are the two passions that have sprung from my passion for the centralverse. And they have grown strong enough that I’ve decided it is worth stopping the podcast as it currently stands in order to dedicate more time to these two passions. What are those passions you might ask? How could you possibly get more niche or specialized than a podcast dedicated solely to central banking? Well, here goes.

It actually started with Episode number one. Remember that one? We told the fascinating story behind the rise of Marriner Eccles. I described his experience with the Federal Reserve during the great depression. I did a lot of research into Eccles for that episode that didn’t make it into the show. It’s also an episode that I could never truly set down. The more I studied and learned about the life of Eccles the more he fascinated and intrigued me. So one night while I was writing for and working on one of the episodes in the teens I got an overwhelming feeling that I needed to write a biography of Eccles. It was almost a spiritual calling. A call to learn and write about a Utah man that forever changed the West and the world of finance as we know it. Now this biography may take 10 or even 20 years to write. But I’m going to start now and I’ll share my journey with you as I go. Right here in this feed I’ll give updates and read stories of his life and how it might apply today.

The second focus I’m going to be dedicating time is a new website. The website is purely conceptual in the moment. I have lots of mock-ups and drawings for it, but nothing concrete. My brother, a cyber security guru, is going to be helping me with the back-end of the website and the actual design. The website will basically be a visual version of the podcast. Remember all of those charts and diagrams that I’ve made throughout the podcast? Well, I’ve decided that as much as I love describing the Fed structure over a podcast - it would be better to have some really beautiful, interactive maps and charts that teach about the structure of the Federal Reserve. That’s where the website will start. My brother and I have some pretty grandiose ideas about where it could go from there. But we’ll start with what we know - the Centralverse.

So there you go. This podcast feed will now turn into an update and journal of sorts for my two new projects. If you listen to a few and decide it’s no longer what you’re looking for - no worries at all. I’m grateful you’ve joined me for this long and I hope you’ve enjoyed learning about the incredible ideas, people, and institutions that make up the Centralverse. Feel free to shoot me an email or reach out on Twitter if you come across a good article or interesting fact about the Centralverse. I’d love to keep these conversations alive.

I think that’s about it. I’m getting married next week (another big transition almost as big as the transition in The Bankster Podcast!). I’ll be out for a month or so, but if you stay subscribed you’ll see the first episode of the newly organized and repurposed Bankster Podcast in your feed.

Until then, thanks for listening!

Season 2 Introduction

Season 2 Introduction

Episode 27 - The Twelve Cities, Part II

Episode 27 - The Twelve Cities, Part II